Monday, November 22, 2010

A Blow to the Face

He heard the loud voices as soon as he exited the zeppelin tower. Arguing, complaining - angry voices. Not the sort of voices one usually heard around the front gates of Orgrimmar. In fact, they were usually deserted.

Even with the aural warning, he was not prepared for the sight at the gate. Lines of people - mostly commoners - standing in the warm morning sun as guards patted them down and rifled through their belongings.

"Mato, over here!"

He turned to see a slight young Orc standing near the gate. A smile flickered across his face before becoming serious once again. "Gammok. What's going on here?"

"Warchief's orders. He's worried about the disruptions that have been going on here lately. Fire elementals in the streets were bad enough, but now there are apparently even cultists stealing around the city in stealth, or performing strange rituals in preparation for some catastrophic event."

"Has Thrall lost his mind? This is no way to treat his people."

"You'd be right about that, right up to the point that Thrall isn't warchief anymore."

"WHAT?? What happened - a coup? This may destroy all."

"No, he gave it up willingly. Said he needed to go to Nagrand to consult with someone there, and that the Horde needs him there more than they need him here."

"Then who..."

"Garrosh Hellscream. He's been at Thrall's side for several weeks now, but..."

Matosawitko sank to the ground. "Gammok, I need you to hit me really hard in the face, right now. I must be dreaming, because I'm pretty sure you just told me that Thrall has abandoned us and left that whiny upstart Garrosh Huffsteam in charge."

Gammok looked uncomfortable. "Mato, it really isn't as bad as you..."

"NOT AS BAD AS I THINK? Let me tell you something - these Twilight Hammer guys are way more serious than we ever thought or dreamed. I just got back from Hillsbrad, where I saw an elemental rift that was spawned by one of those devices like they've been planting around Orgrimmar for the past week - the ones that they're manufacturing in that camp right over there. If those things start going off, in just a few days all of us will be swimming in more elementals than we can count. Certainly more than most can handle. I don't know what their ultimate goal is, but that's enough for global thermonuclear destruction right there. Whatever that means. They sound all nice and fuzzy with their 'join us and be saved' spiel, but they don't intend salvation for anyone. Especially since they're bringing the destruction that we need salvation FROM! And the leader of the Horde decides to take that exact moment to travel to another PLANET? Or dimension, or whatever Outland is..."

Panting from his outburst, Mato fell silent for a moment.

"Look. I brought back the device. I was going to show the Earthen Ring guy that's set up right outside the bank. Maybe he will know more about this."

"Umm... yeah, about that. You might not want to let any of the guards find that in your bags, or you'll be going to the pokey too."

"Mere possession of 'contraband' is now illegal even for someone who has fought ardently against the Scourge? Who has spoken directly to every Horde leader, more than once? Who fought beside Thrall and Lady Sylvanas after the Wrathgate, reclaiming the Undercity for the Horde? Who helped Vol'jin defeat Zalazane and reclaim the Echo Isles? How are we even supposed to get the leadership the information they'll need to make good decisions, if their flunkies automatically presume guilt until proven innocent? I outrank every one of those rent-a-cops over there - I'd like to see them try to put me in the slammer. I've carried more dangerous stuff than this through the streets of Dalaran and Orgrimmar, more than once."

"You're right. I know and you know that. Just... keep it hidden. That's all."

"Fine. Thanks for the stimulating conversation - and the information."

"That's what friends are for."

Matosawitko mounted his venomous ravasaur once again. He figured this was best, since the compartment containing the device would be hidden under his leg. He dug in his heels and moved toward the gate.

"Excuse me, sir. Could I inspect your papers?"


Author's note: Gammok is inserted here as a literary device.  Any possible similarity to a real character is completely accidental.

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